Happy Birthday Yp : )Last night, Mavis, Lydia and I turned up at Happy Daze with a cake and some lighted candles which formed the letters "Y P" Haha, gave her a plesant surprise with the help of her bf of course! Haha, thanks.

The first thing Yp told her bf when she saw us.
Yp: Baby, why you never tell me! (whacks him) Tell me I could have worn something nicer!
Omg, thats yp for you. Btw, the pink and black top she wore later was a gift from all of us, hoped you liked it : ) Haha, Happy Birthday once again.
Also, today's Teachers Day. Although it was not a compulsory day for the sec fours, I still went anyways. So many people came back, and I finally saw Jasper please. Was super happy : ) Jasper, Pinky, Evan and Vanessa Lee came back dressed in IJ school uniform. How cool was that! I miss those days in IJ with them. And coincidentally, todays Teachers Day Theme was
Living The Good Old Days. Some teachers dressed up super retro, some other teachers came in their old school uniform. Mr Tang, Mr Jiow and Mr Armstrong turned up in SJI uniforms, Mrs Seng and some chinese teacher turned up in Cedar Uniform. Ms Lau, Ms Hwang, Ms Ratulangi, Ms Chow etc, turned up in IJ school uniforms. Oh man it was really funny! In the end, Ms Nic Teo was crowned MS RETRO.

Walked over to the primary school site with them.
Omg, primary school kids are ever so lovely and cheerful.
Didnt manage to talk to any of the primary school teachers
except for Mrs Toh and Mrs Drysdale. Haha.

Also, met Amanda, Lynette, Bird and my lovely cousin Drea.
Amanda made me laugh til I cried ok, she's such a retard!
Amanda: (whacks me) I'm very strong now ok! I'm in hockey!
Stace: OMG (laughs like mad) I thought you wanted to tell me that you're strong cos you're in rugby! WTH hockey! Hahaha. "I'm very strong now cos I'm in hockey!" Hahaha! (Lynette, Bird, Drea starts laughing, and I got whacked by Amanda again)

Bye bye social life, the prelims are here. Yesterday was Maths Paper 1 as well as SS. It's always good to strategise, whatever I studied for SS came out : ) But omg I had no idea what the picture was all about. It's alright. However, Maths Paper 1 was tough compared to 03, 04 and 05's paper. Even Mrs Kunna thought so.
Today was Elective Geog. Strategised as well, it was more or less alright. Just that my hand was hurting like mad after the paper. There was so much to write. From the beginning to the end, I was like writting like mad, and rushing for time. I SPENT SO MUCH TIME ON THE MAP. Stupid me. Haha.
Science Practical is tomorrow. Aiming for distinctions as usual, Mr Tang said that w/o a distinction for prac, we can forget bout B3 and above for sciences. I'll be learning how to draw all the fruits and whatever later. I should head for the bed first, super tired.
For the past few weeks, whenever I was at tuition, I'd make it a point to make a trip next door to visit Belle at her workplace. I'm so glad Althea's working with her now, at least she has company. PRESTY, study hard for geog, and practice hard for maths, you'll be able to do it! : )
And, I'm finally all the nonsense. Looking back at it, I was seriously just being stupid and dumb. OMG, idiot! I finally know what you meant, you must have really wanted to slap me tight on the face to wake me up then. I'm finally up, I finally sorted out my feelings, and now, it just disgusts me when I seee... hm, I shant say it here. Idiot you know what I mean! Haha.
Ok speaking bout Idiot. IDIOT. IDIOT IDIOT. Its been a long time since I last talked to you or even saw you (I think) Shit la, feel so distant already. Hope your alright? Haha, your most prob enjoying yr holidays! I miss you la, time to catch up soon!
Lately I also met Evan, Nora, and Pinky. People I've yet to hear from, BEA, Lizzy, Jasper, etc. I miss all of you, and I really mean it. And to you, I hope we could talk things out soon, I really miss you. And I really have so many things to tell you shakeit. Please hear me out, if you read this. Things have changed and different alr, I admit I was in the wrong. Oh well. I really hope we could meet soon. It's been 7 months.
On the other hand, Tng's been so sweet, reminding me to study hard. Offering her help now that her hols are here, she's most prob helping me with physics. I miss that one as well, a very good friend I've been treasuring since primary school : ) Thanks babe.
I've been reminding myself that this is my LAST paper I'm taking set by IJ, before the real O's. I've also been reminding myself of first three months at CJ, in order to push myself to work harder for the prelims. And I'd have to admit, it's actually helping!
Alright, study hard everyone!
Regardless of whether its the O levels, N levels or A levels or for some, even PSLE or normal examinations. Hahaha, ok. I'll be off. It won't be anytime soon, that I'll be blogging. Shall end off with pictures then. Nat pig long, we shall play bball tmr instead ok. : ) Study hard ah Nat, acjc!, my pro GS!

Jamie, thanks for being there during exams!

I miss.

JINGLE! I hope your owner's doing well : ) I miss you too!
Todays oral was good! : ) I love senior citizens, mhmm! :D
Something close to my heart, something I could relate to.
What is your fav exercise? Surely, BASKETBALL!
Brought in the team as well. Man, it was great.
A few cried over the rude examiners we had.
However, they were friendly to me. Oh well.
I was the last person to take the oral.
Waited for so long, it got boring.
When I first stepped into the examination room. Yey, aircon! Haha.
Examiners: Do you know Mavis? (Mavis was before me)
Me: Yes.
Examiners: She forgot to take her IC back, could you kindly return this back to her please?
Me: Sure, no problem.
Omg, Mavis is always so careless! Hahahha.
Cheer up babe, and smile. I'm here! We'll pull through
this prelims together, I promise. We can both do it! : )
On the other hand, why am I forever so clumpsy!
A big painful and deep cut, oh boy. ROARS.
Its so nice to lie and watch stars, agree nat?
But nat pig long fell asleep in the process. ):
I deleted the entry before this, I'm much better.
Idiot made me smile : ) , if your reading this.
Thanks alot, really appreciate it.
On a brighter note, I'm gg over to Mel's now.
Mommy allowed, will be staying over tonight.
Most prob doing work and we'll be gg for sec four
mass together tmr.

I watched helplessly
As you turn around to leave
And still I have the pain to carry
A past so deep
you're beautiful, its true.
But too much time and distance,
I'm falling for you.Thanks for that smile you put back onto my face
A few updates:
Receieved my art results back. Utterly disappointed, but I expected it. ): Not enough gathering, and developing only technical qualities were commendable. Ended up with a high B3, which means I'd have to work very hard on paper 2 in order to push it up to an A. Thanks to the imcompleted and not-so-nice final design :( Nvm, shall work hard for paper 2, and hopefully get an A for the prelims as well as the O's.
Currently, filing all my worksheets (sec three and four) together in seperate subject files, which I'd be using, to revise for my prelims and O's. It's always good to be organised. It's filed nicely with dividers, only thing is that, one file is packed to max with all the notes and worksheets from teachers. I dont even feel like flipping it open, just looking at it. However, its so neat. I'm happy! : ) Hahahha.
English O Level Orals are next Monday. Been've preparing for it fairly well, somehow I'm actually looking forward to it. A component I'm strongest in, I'd say. And it is important to me, cos I'd need it to pull my grades up.
Caught things up with idiot. It was goood! Mhmmmm! : )
Oh yes Chinese O Level Results were released last week. Finally passed my chinese for the first time in secondary school life. Teachers were happy, I was kinda happy but expected a little more of myself, at least one or two grades better. Mom wants me to try again, so therefore, I'd be retaking.
I'll update soon, Goodnight.
FINALLY, after two sleepless nights (Sat/Sun)
I managed to submit my art on the required deadline.
I'm dead tired now, I can barely keep my eyes open.
7 detailed prep boards, and 2 not really nice final designs :(
But overall, I'm rather glad. At least I can start preparing for
my other subjects! Thats a relief for a while, before we get qns
papers for art prelims paper 2. GREAT!
Some pictures, I thought it'd be nice to put them up.
Last week, 4/9 did National Day Mass together with my class.
After weeks of preparation and Mrs Low, it was eventually a success : )
Was freaking out like mad before mass, but glad I read it welll! : )

Too tired to type and blog anymore.
Goodnight, time to catch up on the two nights of sleep I had missed.
I sense the urgency, I sense the stress, I'm far from what I want to achieve, yet on the other hand, time is passing way too quickly for me to catch up with. I'm afraid of not being able to handle. I'm close to tears whenever reminded of it. STUDY HARD guys! A few more weeks to go! Don't give up.
Rachel, Chow, Sheila: Please check yr emails. I forwarded an email from Ms Tan.
I always end off with pictures, cos they speak a thousand words:

Thanks Ms Tan for the photos!
- JOGA BONITO posterchild for self-destruction says:STACEY
- JOGA BONITO posterchild for self-destruction says:i dreamt of you last night!
- JOGA BONITO posterchild for self-destruction says:and it was so scary!
- JOGA BONITO posterchild for self-destruction says:you beat me up and said that you cant be friends with me!!
- JOGA BONITO posterchild for self-destruction says:i wanted to die okay
- JOGA BONITO posterchild for self-destruction says:
in my dream
- JOGA BONITO posterchild for self-destruction says:cause you said you beat one of your friends up before and drove her to suicide!
My heart is far too weak to run for you this long. says:
who the hell is this
- JOGA BONITO posterchild for self-destruction says:
- JOGA BONITO posterchild for self-destruction says:
My heart is far too weak to run for you this long. says:omg sam!
My heart is far too weak to run for you this long. says:
you are hilarious hahahahha
- JOGA BONITO posterchild for self-destruction says:
- JOGA BONITO posterchild for self-destruction says:i almost cried when i w0ke up
On the other hand, IDIOT msged me from indo! : ) YEY.
In spite of all plans to meet at 10.30, I was still late to send IDIOT off ): Was running like some mad idiot at the airport, cos I received a msg from Mandy: "She's going in NOW!" Kept asking Mandy to waste time and all (yes, it was meant to be a surprise!) Haha, Man tried.
Eventually, when I was about two gates away from gate ten (the gate IDIOT was departing from), she msged me "Sorry sorry couldn't wait for you'll" Omg I almost screamed. Ran, saw Mandy, and her parents. Haha, I love her mom she's super cute! Only managed to catch IDIOT through the glass panel, I almost cried while waving. Blah. I hate the airport, goodbyes are hard.
Mel and I stood there for a while longer, realising we forgot all bout her gift! ): And Nat is another one, called her a zillion million times, yet she still overslept! Haha. Oh wells, Lyds came later. Three of us headed down to Starbucks to study. Studied all the way til 6 before we left for home.
In the midst of today,
camwhore with Mel.

Haha! More photos will be up soon.
IDIOT. I'm so sad we didnt manange to send you off ): Nvm, we'll see how maybe I'll go on the 16th when yr back. Haha. MUST DO WELL DO WELL DO WELL OKAY! I know you will. : )

Idiots leaving for Indonesia tmr ): Freaking eleven days oh my goodness! I think by the time she's back I'd have ripped all my hair off due to stress with the upcoming prelims and deadline for submission of art! Blah. But whatever it is, IDIOT! DO WELL FOR ASIAN CHAMPS! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! : ) I'm waiting to hear the good news again. Must msg/call me and all when you're there ah! Haha, take care and have a good trip! LOVEE : ) omg eleven days of boredom :[ I will miss you la.